The recipe for gnocchi al pomodoro

Italian recipe par excellence, these gnocchi al pomodoro are among the comforting dishes to try this summer.

The Social Food, a tandem that brings together the two food experts Shirley Garrier and Mathieu Zouhairi, has never hidden its penchant for pasta. This week, the duo take the opportunity to unveil the recipe for gnocchi al pomodoro, blown up by chef Lorenza Lenzi on Instagram.

Gnocchi al pomodoro recipe: Ingredients

– Garlic oil
-200 gr of Datterino tomatoes
-2 cloves garlic
-150g of Passata
-Parmesan cheese
-1 kg of potatoes
-250 g wheat flour
-1 egg yolk (if you like them firm)


Wash the potatoes then plunge them into a large saucepan filled with fresh, salted water. Bake them for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, plant the blade of a knife in a potato. When the flesh is cooked, the blade sinks without resistance. Drain the potatoes, peel them and mash them with a fork or a hand-cranked potato masher. In a bowl, mix the mashed potatoes, sifted flour and egg yolks. Season with salt and pepper. Then knead the preparation by hand until you obtain a homogeneous dough. Generously flour your work surface. Still by hand, form small regular dough balls. Roll the potato gnocchi on the back of a fork. You can also make the streaks with a knife, to distinguish the notches from the gnocchi. In a large saucepan, boil salted water. Poach the gnocchi in it until they rise to the surface. Taste them to check their texture and cooking. Drain them in a colander.

For the al pomodoro sauce

In a saucepan, brown the two cloves of garlic in olive oil. Once the garlic has browned, remove it and add the tomatoes cut in 2. Cook over high heat for 5 minutes. Then lower the heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. add the basil at the end and serve with the gnocchi and a little parmesan.

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