Apollon Temple in Didim

The first address that should be on your list of places to visit in Didim is the Temple of Apollo, located in the Ancient City of Didyma in Aydın.

The Temple of Apollo, for which applications were made to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is an important structure that has survived from the Ancient Greek and Roman periods.

It has the distinction of being the third largest temple in the world after the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus and the Temple of Heraion in Samos.

The temple, which is believed to be connected to the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, by a sacred road, is one of the most visited places in Didim. Built in the 8th century BC, the temple is known as an ancient oracle center. The temple dedicated to Apollo, son of Zeus, was built by the Ionians.

Besides the giant columns, the Medusa Statue is worth seeing. You can visit the Temple of Apollo, which is a frequent destination for many people who want to hear about the future in Antiquity, between 08.00 – 18.30 between April 15 and October 2, and between 08.30 – 17.00 between 3 October and 14 April by paying a fee of 40 TL. If you have a Muzekart, you can visit for free.

The Temple of Apollo is a temple located in the Didim district of Aydın and was built in the name of Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto. The other known name of the temple, which is dedicated to Apollo, who is believed to have the power of prophecy, is Didyma, that is, Twin Brother. The reason for giving this name to the temple is that the goddess Artemis and Apollo are twin sisters.

Apart from being the place where only one oracle lived, the ruins, which is a densely populated area, have survived to the present day by preserving the gigantic structures of the period. It is known as an oracle center connected to Miletus on the basis of the monumental area, which amazes and amazes thousands of local and foreign tourists who go every year.

It is thought that the construction of the temple began in the 6th century BC. If you ask to which civilization the Temple of Apollo belongs, we can say that the construction of the Hellenistic building started after Alexander the Great’s victory over the Persians, but was completed in different periods.

Information About the Temple of Apollo

During the time of the Temple of Apollo, it was used as a very popular cognition center. There were people who came from far places and wanted information about the future, statesmen who would go to war, army commanders and people who wanted to get information about their diseases.

People who paid fees to learn the prophecies traveled more than a week to reach the site. Before participating in the rituals, the priests were also washed with the water they declared holy. Temple attendants were paid for the rituals. However, with the emergence of monotheistic religions, the predictions of the future were declared evil and started to be banned.

The temple was later invaded by the Persians. When Alexander the Great defeated the Persians, the construction of the building began again. The temple, whose architecture was made by Paionios, who was the architect of the Temple of Daphnis and Artemis, could not be completed even though many efforts were made.

The temple, which consists of two rows and 124 columns in total, is damaged by the erosion of time. However, those who managed to survive from the gigantic columns reflect the splendor of the period.

The Temple of Apollo, which stands out from other temples with its different features and delicate workmanship, fascinates those who go. The fine workmanship and heights of the columns in the Corinthian style are rare in places. In addition, the one-piece marble block between the doors leading down to the sacred courtyard is considered the largest architectural piece in the world. Considering the possibilities of the period, raising an arch of that weight to a height of meters gives a sluggishness to one’s mind.

The Story of the Temple of Apollo

The Temple of Apollo is among the largest temples in the world. Located on the sacred road and covering a large area, the cognition center was built for Apollo, the god of poetry, art and light. The Temple of Apollo also has a story. According to the rumor, one day Apollo met the shepherd Brankhos on the way. Apollo teaches his shepherd friend the secrets of prophecy, and the shepherd builds the Temple of Apollo. Those from the shepherd’s dynasty hold the post of ruler of the temple for a long time. Since oracle is also a very popular field, many statesmen and people seeking healing for their diseases come to the temple over time.

Didim Apollon Temple Medusa

Didim Apollon Temple is also famous for its Medusa statue. The head of Medusa, which we are familiar with from postcards with Turkey promotion, is located in the Temple of Apollo. Medusa, who has become one of the symbols of Didim and has a slit in the middle of her face, is known as one of the three siblings who are the female monsters of the underworld in Greek mythology.

Of the siblings, Medusa is the only one who has the title of mortal, and she has the ability to turn anyone who comes face to face with her into stone. This is the reason why it was frequently used in important points, large buildings and sacred areas in ancient times. Probably for the same purpose, although many Medusa reliefs were wanted to be made on the temple, the statuettes were left unfinished together with the building. You can come across the famous Medusa figure in the garden of the temple entrance.

Temple of Apollo Visiting Hours

Summer term (15 April – 2 October): 08.00-18.30
Winter period (3 October – 14 April): You can visit between 08.30-17.00.
You can visit the temple every day of the week.

Where is the Temple of Apollo and How to Get there?

The Temple of Apollo is located in Yenihisar village of Didim. For transportation, you can choose your private vehicle or public transportation vehicles.

Dolmus: To go to the Temple of Apollo in the north of Didim, you must first reach the center of Didim. You can easily reach the temple by the minibuses departing from the center and traveling to Yenihisar village. It is worth remembering that the minibuses also depart from the terminal.

Automobile: If you go with your own vehicle, you can reach Didim center and follow the Yenihisar village signs here. When you take the road to Altınkum Beach, you can easily reach the Temple of Apollo on the same level.

How to go to Didim?
Things to Know About Didim
Nightlife in Didim

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