Infusion with vitamin C: Immune booster or nonsense?

When it comes to the question of infusions with vitamin C, opinions vary widely. While some people are convinced of the potential benefits, sufficient scientific evidence is still lacking.

Especially in winter, when it is cold and uncomfortable outside and we spend a lot of time indoors, the risk of colds and flu increases. Then we need a strong immune system! A healthy lifestyle – consisting of a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep – contributes to a strong immune system.

Why vitamin C is important for our immune system

Vitamin C plays an important role in the immune system. It is an essential nutrient that contributes to the formation and function of various immune cells. It supports the activity of natural killer cells that fight infections and promotes the production of antibodies that can recognize and neutralize pathogens.

We get vitamin C through food. Good sources are citrus fruits, peppers, kiwis or berries. In recent years, infusions containing vitamin C have become increasingly popular.

What are the benefits of infusions with vitamin C?

The idea behind vitamin C infusion is to provide the body with a high dose of the nutrient to maximize its positive effects. An infusion allows vitamin C to be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream compared to taking supplements orally. Proponents argue that this can be particularly beneficial when the immune system is weakened or a quick recovery is required from illness or surgery.

However, there are also critics who claim that vitamin C infusions are nothing more than expensive nonsense. They point out that the body can only absorb limited amounts of vitamin C and simply excretes excess. An overdose is therefore unlikely and the expensive infusions are unnecessary. In addition, there is currently no sufficient scientific evidence to support a significant improvement in health or immune system through vitamin C infusion.

It is also important to remember that vitamin C infusions are not without risks. If administered improperly, side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, and kidney stones may occur. Therefore, they should always be done under medical supervision. They should also advise you whether a vitamin C infusion is beneficial or not.

Ultimately, the decision whether to consider a vitamin C infusion rests with the individual. It is advisable to consult a doctor beforehand and take individual needs and circumstances into account. However, a balanced diet with sufficient intake of vitamin C from natural sources remains the best way to provide the body with this important nutrient.

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