Salty taste in the mouth: what is behind it?

A salty taste in the mouth can be unpleasant. Often the reasons for this are harmless. In some cases, you should still see a doctor.

Very bitter, sour, or salty: Sometimes you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth without having eaten certain foods first. If this persists for a long time, it may need to be checked out by a doctor. An overview of the possible causes and therapies.

Salt taste on the palate and tongue: That can be behind it

If you notice a salty taste in your mouth without having eaten something salty before, your sense of taste is disturbed. There can be many reasons for this. One obvious one is not drinking enough fluids.

Because if you drink too little, it can lead to a salty taste in your mouth. Poor oral and dental hygiene can also trigger dysgeusia. There are also the following reasons:


A possible explanation for the unnatural, salty taste can be diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as a cold or a sinus infection. However, once the illness is over, the salty taste also disappears.

However, if the salty taste persists for several days, it could also indicate more serious health problems. These include diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases, as well as reflux or heartburn.

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