What can be behind sudden flickering of the eyes

Do you sometimes have flickering in front of your eyes, do you see lightning or zigzag lines? Then you could be suffering from ocular migraines. You can read here which home remedies can alleviate the symptoms and what other causes eye flickering can have.

Eye flicker – medically known as ciliated scotoma – is the partial loss of vision in a certain area of ​​the visual field. The visual disturbances are usually accompanied by flickering light phenomena in the form of dots, spikes or flashes. Flickering can occur unilaterally or in both eyes at the same time, and can occur both in the center and at the edge of the field of vision. In addition, the flickering of the eyes is also noticeable when the eyes are closed.

The causes of a ciliated scotoma can be very different. This is often due to a lack of nutrients, fatigue, stress or strain on the eyes – for example due to long periods of work on the computer. Visual disturbances are often a harbinger of migraines. Possible side effects are nausea, dizziness, vomiting, neck pain and headaches. The symptoms then usually last 15 to 30 minutes and disappear after sleep or when the stress subsides.

Causes and triggers for eye flicker at a glance:

low blood sugar level (hypoglycaemia)
Nutrient deficiencies (especially zinc and vitamins A, B and C)
Migraine (with aura)
Green Star
neurological diseases (ocular migraine, epilepsy)
medicines, drugs
circulatory disorders, stroke
On the other hand, if the symptoms last longer than an hour, this can be a sign of a serious eye disease. These include, for example:

Glaucoma (Glaucoma)
choroidal inflammation
Vitreous detachment, in which the retina detaches
You should therefore consult a doctor as soon as possible, as these diseases can lead to blindness if left untreated.

If the flickering in the eye lasts significantly shorter, but occurs more often, it may be an ocular migraine. Then you should also have a medical examination.

What is ocular migraine?

Ophthalmic migraine (ophthalmic migraine) is not a disease of the eyes, but a neurological disease, i.e. the disease affecting the nerves. The cause is probably circulatory disorders in the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for processing visual stimuli.

Ocular migraine symptoms

The symptoms of ocular migraines are usually very unpleasant and are expressed in visual disturbances such as flickering in the eyes, colorful zigzag lines or flashes of light. Unlike normal migraines with aura, ocular migraines are not necessarily accompanied by headaches, and if they do, they are usually less pronounced. The flickering in front of the eyes or partial loss of the field of vision are usually only temporary and last about five to ten minutes. The symptoms usually disappear completely after an attack has subsided.

Treatment: First aid for ocular migraines

Even if this of course seems scary at first, strong migraine medication is not necessary at first. As a rule, simple measures will help the attack subside and you will soon feel better again.

If you feel the first signs of an impending attack, you should try to get some rest. It helps to retreat to a dark, quiet room. Mild headache medicines can also relieve the pain. However, you should seek advice from a doctor regarding the dosage and period of ingestion, because medication can always have side effects.

Home remedies for eye migraines

People can relieve symptoms by placing cold compresses on the eyes or on the back of the neck. Alternatively, Kneipp affusions can help, in which you alternately shower your legs and arms with cold and warm water and repeat this process several times.

Alternating baths for the feet sometimes have a soothing effect on the symptoms of an ocular migraine. For a foot bath, fill a bowl with cold and hot water. Soak your feet in hot water for five minutes, then in cold water for ten seconds. An improvement can already be expected after two to three rounds followed by gymnastics to warm up.

Relaxation exercises such as autogenic training can also relieve the symptoms of ocular migraines in the long term. Otherwise, the following applies: Always drink enough to keep the fluid balance stable.

Causes of ocular migraines

The causes of ocular migraines have not yet been sufficiently clarified medically. Bright light or constant stress can be a trigger for the attacks to occur. Other factors are hormone fluctuations, sudden weather changes or heavy alcohol consumption.

Eye flicker: when to see an ophthalmologist?

If you have frequent or particularly severe eye flickering, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist, because serious illnesses can also be behind the visual disturbances – for example cataracts, retinal detachment or even a stroke.

In order to prevent long-term effects such as possible blindness, it is important that you have a specialist examine you thoroughly if you have flickering eyes.

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