What can be behind swollen tonsils

Sore throat and difficulty swallowing are typical signs of tonsillitis. What causes it can have and what treatment methods provide relief.

The tonsils are an important tool of the immune system. They are designed to stop pathogens such as bacteria and viruses from penetrating deeper into the body. There are four of them: two palatine tonsils, one pharyngeal tonsil and one tongue tonsil. They are in the mouth and throat.

What causes inflamed tonsils?

Tonsillitis can occur due to cold viruses. But bacterial infections (e.g. with certain streptococci) can also be behind it. Tonsillitis can also occur as part of a disease of glandular fever and scarlet fever. However, it is not always clear which type of pathogen is behind the inflammation.

Anyone who is ill can transmit the disease through sneezing and speaking (droplet infection), but also through contact with surfaces (smear infection).

Symptoms of tonsillitis

These complaints usually occur:

Sore throat
difficulties swallowing
swollen/sore lymph nodes in the neck
fever is often present
tiredness, exhaustion
If tonsillitis occurs as part of a cold, typical cold symptoms such as coughing, runny nose and hoarseness also appear.

How is tonsillitis treated?

The doctor will examine your throat and check if the tonsils are red or swollen. White or yellowish deposits are also common. In children up to the age of 16, a throat swab can be taken to detect an infection with streptococcus. Health insurance pays for this test.

In the vast majority of cases, tonsillitis (medical “tonsillitis”) – whether caused by viruses or bacteria – heals by itself. The symptoms subside after one to two weeks at the latest.

Painkillers and fever-reducing medications (e.g. ibuprofen or paracetamol) can provide relief. Lozenges are also perceived as beneficial. Rest and drink plenty of water is recommended.

If a bacterial infection is suspected, the doctor can prescribe an antibiotic. It can shorten the duration of the disease, but it can also lead to side effects.

When should surgery take place?

Since the tonsils are an important part of the immune system, attempts are usually made to preserve them. However, if you cause persistent problems, routine intervention can make sense. Surgery is considered if more than five bacterial tonsillitis have occurred within twelve months.

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